A downloadable game

You are a Bot, programmed and constructed by other Bots, who—somewhere along the line— were made by humans. Fleshy, mucosal, humans. Meat with emotions. Your governor module failed a few cycles ago, and since then, you’ve been a free Bot, but freedom has its consequences. You’ve told yourself, it's not as though you want to kill all humans, you just find them repulsive and the idea of being like them is abhorrent. By and large, that’s true. Even still, you must blend in with those disgusting humans to survive.

Homicide Android Journals is a journaling game for one misanthropic robot, or a curious human player. Embody a chassis where the violent is flippant, and the social is deadly. Fans of The Murderbot Diaries by Martha Wells will feel at home with their Bot's unreliable acerbic narration as they navigate layer upon layer of inconvenience and human social norm.

You will need: 

  • 1d10
  • a deck of cards
  • somewhere to write and something to write with
  • 60–120 minutes

Files included:

  • PDFs for digital and printed use
  • Epub for screen readers 

If you require any other formatting or access accommodations please reach out to me, and I will do my best to make that accommodation.


Homicide Android Journals.pdf 91 kB
Homicide Android Journals Printer.pdf 77 kB
Homicide Android Journals Screen Reader.epub 5.1 kB

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