Day 27: Monster Meet Cute

So this is the first game that I know I'm going to be expanding into a standalone. That means the version published in this anthology is an ashcan. It takes you through the first round of play in a game that supplants christmas with halloween and sexy men with sexy monsters in the typical "Hallmark" Movie formula. It does this while also encouraging queer and non-monogamous relationships as equally viable and real options instead of enforcing normative relationship models as those films typically do. I'm really excited to see this idea play out further. The full game will have a three act structure similar to that type of movie with the second act focused on conflict between the leads, and a third act that builds resolution and culminates on Halloween night! The act you'll play out in this ashcan is the typical meet cute, with an array of results based on card draw.  Hopefully you get a fun little date with the monster of your dreams!

Until tomorrow! 


Anthology Day 1-27 EPUB .epub 38 kB
Oct 27, 2022
Anthology Day 1-27 Plain Text.pdf 204 kB
Oct 27, 2022
Anthology Day 1-27 Spreads.pdf 85 MB
Oct 27, 2022

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